The Power to Advance is Here

Discover the power of personalized coaching for your professional development.

Unlock Your Potential

Our Approach

Embrace a revolutionary approach to advance your professional growth and development by focusing on executing your personalized Learning Journey Roadmap (LJR) tailored to achieve goals.

Our Gap2Great Method ensures you always focus on the highest-leverage learning opportunities and achieve immediate results.

1 : 1 Coaching Sessions provide an in-context consultation where we will create solutions together you can implement in your day-to-day to achieve immediate results

Our Clients

New canadian executives

Establish and accelerate your career in Canada

New canadian entreprenuers

Unleash the power of your business skills

International Students

Support for doctoral presentations and transition to career

Advanced English Speakers

Achieve the highest level of presentation, negotiation and influencing skills

Our Services

Professional Coaching

Strategic Planning

Team Leadership

Entrepreneurial Success

Change Management

Personal Coaching

Career Planning

Building Your Network

Life Transitions

Self-Directed Learning

Your development path is personal and strictly confidential. Every individual has personal needs and, therefore, different topics can be part of your personalized coaching session. Pre-session and post-session resources and reporting to be provided. Sessions booked in advance.

Hourly: $145

In-Context English Consultation 

Prepare for presentations and difficult conversations

Enhance conversations, influence and networking

Explore business opportunities and challenges

Same Day Booking Available!

Book the same day or in advance. You already have strong English skills and will benefit from a confidential session with a seasoned executive, consultant, entrepreneur and college professor to prepare for your most challenging interactions.

45-minute sessions: $125

Get Started

Getting started is easy. Click on the button below to schedule your 1 : 1 Coaching session or In-Context English before your session you will receive information to help you prepare.

Schedule Your Session Now! Schedule Your Session Now!

Meet Your Coach

Please be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn. If you have any questions before your session, feel free to email me. I’m really looking forward to meeting you!

Jonathan Brillinger

Executive Coach


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some commonly asked questions about our personalized coaching services.

What is personalized coaching?

Personalized coaching is a one-on-one development program tailored to your specific needs and goals. I will personally guide and support you as you work towards achieving personal and professional growth.

How does coaching help advance my career?

Coaching helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, set achievable goals, and develop strategies for success. Our unique approach ensures that you focus on high leverage development opportunities you can practice and apply in your day-to-day so you achieve immediate results.

How often should I meet with my coach?

The frequency of coaching sessions can vary based on your needs and goals. Typically, coaches recommend meeting at least twice a month to track progress and make any necessary adjustments to your development plan.